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Helga Freitag, German Healing Practitioner

The main goal is to help prevent serious illnesses and diseases by repairing the DNA before serious diseases develop.

Freitag Homeopathics products were developed as a result of over 40 years experience in Natural and Homeopathic Medicine. After finishing her education at the Hahnemann-College D.H. in Germany, Helga Freitag opened her first Homeopathic Medicine Clinic in 1975 Hessen, Germany. In the following years, Helga expanded her knowledge through additional courses and clinical experience. Throughout the years of practise, Helga continuously treated patients with a wide variety of diseases in advanced stages – many of which had been turned away by most other avenues and methods of treatment that modern medicine has to offer. This is why Helga encountered countless complicated cases of rare and common diseases.

Presented with many challenging medical conditions, Helga continuously searched for better ways of providing successful and beneficial treatments. In an effort to develop effective therapies to aid patients experiences changing environmental pressures, the approach of attacking disease had to be changed continuously. Initially, Homeopathic Medicine was used to find a balance in fighting disease, then Neural Therapy, Acupuncture (Dr. Reinhard Voll’s methods) and eventually Injecto-acupuncture. Hyperbaric Ozone treatments were added which proved extremely effective in drastically reducing virus, fungal and some bacterial infections. Increased amounts of different types of disease-causing microbes occurred at around 1992, which was noted both by Helga and medical society. It proved to be more difficult to find methods to eliminate this invasion of new pathogens attacking the human body. Former methods were less effective. Cancer also developed in such a way that it became far more resistant and invasive than it used to be. This was due to the mutation of cancer-causing microbes. Mutation is due to changes in the environment (changes in global climate/environment, overuse of antibiotics that result in changes within organisms including microbes, as well as increased radiation from cellphones, satellites, and other wireless technology).

Mutated or not, the question of why microbes can thrive in the human body must be considered. Louis Pasteur (1), a famous French Scientist, stated that “the microbe is nothing – the breeding ground is the cause of all diseases.” Our bodies offer the breeding ground because the internal environments are not in symbiotic balance. They are not healthy because of blocked, damaged and mutated genes. When genes are mutated, the body suffers a loss of enzymes because a mutated gene will fail to give the right messages to the enzymes. This will result in the lack of the correct enzymes. When enzymes are lacking, the internal environment changes. This changed internal environment is then a breeding ground for pathogens. 

According to Prof. Guenther Enderlein (2) there are four groups of pathogens: fungi, viruses, parasites and bacteria. Due to the continuously changing internal environment the existing pathogens also mutate and change into infinite varieties of pathogens. Defense systems strike when pathogens have invaded. However, there are many mutated pathogens that are unrecognizable to the defense mechanisms (immune systems), making the immune system useless. The only way to eliminate these pathogens is to change the internal environment back to its healthy state. In a healthy environment the pathogens die on their own. There are many known DNA-repair mechanisms within the human body. Homeopathy is a provocation-activation signaling treatment. Helga Freitag had the idea to activate the DNA repair mechanisms with homeopathic combinations to re-establish a healthy internal environment. Initially, she was not sure if this was possible. She experimented with homeopathic combinations with positive results (presumably the DNA repair systems are activated). Without tackling bacteria itself in its environment in the body, she corrected the environment of the body and the bacteria were no longer able to live. After these findings, Helga Freitag knew that any condition could be treated unless the disease has progressed beyond repair in the whole body or in a single organ.

In the following 15 years Helga invented homeopathic combinations to return the body into a balanced, healthy state. These combinations were found through extensive research and countless tests. All of them were changed and perfected over time. Freitag Homeopathics Inc. is now in the process of beginning to offer these homeopathic remedies to other health practitioners, and to educate them on product use for their patients. The main goal is to help prevent serious illnesses and diseases by repairing the DNA before serious diseases develop.


Schneider, Peter. (1995). Enderlein’s microbiological theory. Nutritional Therapy Today.

Feinstein, S (2008). Louis Pasteur: The Father of Microbiology. Enslow Publishers, Inc. pp. 1–128. ISBN 978-1-59845-078-1.